If you log in the EduSky system as a student or guardian, you will have access to the following information:
- Personal and contact data of the student and parent/guardian
- Information about the contract - its status, option to download the document
- Settlement information - cash payments, bank and online transfers, partial payments and the payments calendar
- Discounts received when signing the contract
- Details about the course (start and finish date, number of classes)
- Information about the groups to which the student is assigned (teachers, classrooms, timetable)
- Timetable in the form of a calendar.
- Teacher’s data.
Summary of held classes:
- Notes
- Marks and descriptive assessment
- Classes to which the student was present, absent and late
- Chat with the school administration and the teacher
- Access to information about the school events
- List of materials assigned to the course
- Summary of borrowed materials
For students the following operations in the system are available:
- Chat with the school administration and the teacher
- Borrowing school materials
- Access to the system both from the computer and mobile devices (smarthphone, laptop)
Regardless of the given options, the platform allows you to:
- Enroll to the course through a dedicated form on the website which enables you to sign a contract online
- Receive email messages from the school
- Receive text messages from the school.